Tuesday, December 23, 2014
House Project #5.5: The Wood Stove!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
On my needles: Braided cowl
Three orphan/leftover balls of yarn, three different stitch patterns, one braided cowl. Stay tuned for the finished piece!
Oh, and I resurrected the Christmas light garland that I started a while ago (okay, okay, it was last summer's knitting project). It only has a few lights left - surely I can get it done for this holiday season?
(And no, I haven't quite finished the sunshine socks from the CO trip with the school - just a few rows to go on those!)
Because I need the challenge: three different stitches, simultaneously knit. |
Barely three lights left. Man, sometimes I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to finishing projects! |
Furniture Face-lift: Dresser and Jelly-jar shelves
Luckily I've scored some decent colors (I am kind of picky!), and earlier this summer found a gallon of light gray and quart of purple. I used the gray as a primer coat on the front door I scored, mainly to cover up the red that doesn't quite go with the house color. The door still hasn't been hung, but we're getting closer.
There are two pieces that needed a little face-lift now that the two rooms have been painted: my dresser, and a shallow shelf that is going to go in the guest croffice. The gray was perfect for both pieces and against the room wall colors, and the purple was a good accent against the gray for the dresser
House Project #7: Back Bedroom
I finished painting the back bedroom just before Thanksgiving. I was house sitting through the holiday, so could leave the place in a bit of shambles (sorry sister!). From the look of the living room last week, you'd have thought I was a hoarder. There was a bit of a path here and there, and boxes and tubs and furniture all over the place. Of course, looking into the two rooms getting painted showed they were nearly empty, negating any hoarding fears.
Here's the room when I moved in. Curtains are long gone, and the cover of the baseboard heating unit has been straightened |
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
House Project #6: Front Bedroom and Guest Croffice
Friday, November 14, 2014
On my needles: Sunshine Socks
Remember the two skeins of yarn I dyed with mom on Mother's Day last year? I knit up a cowl with the skein that we dyed purple, blue, and green, but the yellow and orange sock yarn skein has been sitting, project-less for a while now. Since I've learned to always travel with something to knit (thanks, mom!), I figured I may as well get started on something small and quick, and what better to bring while traveling than a pair of socks. A three hour and a half flight from DC to Denver yesterday, and I'm already this far on the first sock:
They'll be a pair of simple crew socks, with a K1P1 rib cuff and a K3P1 rib throughout the body of the sock. The pattern is the Yankee Knitter Designs Classic Socks pattern, which is pretty much my go-to at this point. It's easy enough to remember most of the instructions for my size, and easy enough to modify with different stitch patterns and in how long I make them.
There is enough down time between proctoring study halls, wandering around the village, and (hopefully!) skiing a day or two, that I should be able to get most of the way through the pair.
They'll be a pair of simple crew socks, with a K1P1 rib cuff and a K3P1 rib throughout the body of the sock. The pattern is the Yankee Knitter Designs Classic Socks pattern, which is pretty much my go-to at this point. It's easy enough to remember most of the instructions for my size, and easy enough to modify with different stitch patterns and in how long I make them.
There is enough down time between proctoring study halls, wandering around the village, and (hopefully!) skiing a day or two, that I should be able to get most of the way through the pair.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Front Walk Facelift
The original path; functional but underwhelming. The flagstones were all partially overgrown with grass. |
So, with an hour or so to kill today while it has been lightly spitting snow, I figured I may as well finish up the front path. I gave you a little preview last week, and then picked up the sand and sorted out the flagstones earlier this week. You're in for a bit of a long post, but it's mostly pictures!
Let's rewind some, since the preview was missing a lot of the key work that had already been done. I have been planning to redo the walk for a while now. It isn't my favorite part of the yard, and while it functions perfectly well, I wanted to clean it up and feature the really nice flagstones more prominently.
This summer I acquired a big ol' pile of 1-inch gravel that I planned to use to surround the flagstone. Add in some free bricks from my sister-in-law's mother, and all I ended up paying for were the five 50-lb bags of sand I used to help settle the gravel. I love low cost projects! I finally got motivated last week to get started. We're well into stick season, which means it could snow any day, and the temps were cooling off. Motivation enough to get the path done.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Happy (Belated) Halloween!
This year the sister and I went in on a joint costume. I came up with idea earlier in the year, and with a little planning, some tween-dress shopping, and last minute embellishments, our costumes were complete.
Guess those 90s ice queens!
Guess those 90s ice queens!
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Perfection on skates |
Thursday, October 30, 2014
In Progress: Front Walk Sneak Preview
It's nearly the end of October, and given that snow could fly any day now (we had snow on Halloween a few years ago!), I decided I should probably get started on redoing the front walk. Mainly the issue is that the pile of stone that will go around the slate stepping stones is dead center on where the plow will push the snow off the driveway. I don't want to move it twice, so I may as well do the walk, right?
Rough walkway! 50 bricks in, 60ish more needed (And what's up with the paint job on the fascia? Someone ought to do something about that. . . ) |
Earlier in the week, on Monday, I pulled up the slate stepping stones, cut the edges, and pulled out the excess sod. Yesterday I got the first load of bricks that will edge the walk. I still have a bunch to do - pick up the rest of the bricks, buy sand for the base, but I am certain I'll be able to get it done in the next week or so, especially since the kids all head out for their ski camps next week!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Grape Jelly!
Yesterday we were at mom's for most of the day, helping get several cords of wood put up. One of the big old maples on the west side of the property had been taken down last January and we finally got around to moving and stacking it all. Long morning, but we got it all done! Mom is psyched and will have wood for a few winters yet.
Along with some leftover chocolate cake from lunch, Mom also sent me home with a half-gallon jar of grape juice from the grapes that they have growing on an arbor near the barn. I used about three cups of it today to make some grape jelly, ending up with seven small jars.
Along with some leftover chocolate cake from lunch, Mom also sent me home with a half-gallon jar of grape juice from the grapes that they have growing on an arbor near the barn. I used about three cups of it today to make some grape jelly, ending up with seven small jars.
Seven jars of jelly and a whole bunch more juice to use up |
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Random Repairs: Garage Door Weather Seal Edition
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Strawberry Bed: Revisited & Revised
Remember back in May, when I made this for the strawberry plants that my students had planted (then abandoned when school ended) in the spring of 2013?
little strawberry plants, all tucked in - they're practically lonely with all that space |
I certainly wouldn't turn the trip down again (hello, skiing in South America?!), but there's something appealing about staying home and having a quick break before the craziness sets in. And yes, it pretty much sets in from the moment the students all get back and doesn't let up until graduation in June. This year it was extra crazy as the Chile trip happened unexpectedly early (as in, the trip was moved up a week or so as we started the year. . . we spent the first week of school not knowing when they would actually head down!). The plus side is that we get an "extra" week in the fall before the November Colorado trip happens. The minus side is that I actually had the semester planned out before school started and the early departure threw a wrench in those plans. That's what I get for being prepared for the year! It's nothing I can't adjust for, but annoying nonetheless.
Monday, September 1, 2014
So technically the official year-iversary isn't until mid-October (when the paperwork FINALLY went through and I actually owned the place), but it's been one year of living here. It seems kind of crazy, and I still can't always believe myself when I tell someone I own my own home (who does that??), but it's exciting to know I've made it this far, and when I look at the mortgage bill every month the balance seems to be a little bit less.
then. . . |
Friday, August 22, 2014
New Shelves! The Backroom/Man(less)cave edition
The backroom/man(less)cave has become a catchall for storage bins, paint storage, recycling center, pet feeding zone, yard-sale pile, and general miscellany collection area. There is some semblance of organization, but nothing substantial. Basically, just zones where things that are kind of similar in theme are generally placed. The biggest issue has been the stacks of bins and tubs against the back wall. I've been stacking them a two or three high, but they've started to inch their way forward into the rest of the room. Add a bunch of stuff my sister has begun moving in ahead of her move and it was finally time to do something about the space.
this place is a little out of control. . . good thing I don't actually want to get anything out of those tubs right now! |
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Kitchen/Dinning Area Update
Earlier this summer I grabbed a board from the collection of wood left in my dad's barn. It's a 1 x 8, about 6 1/2 ft long. The brackets are 6 inches on the short side, 8 on the long side. The board was primed already, and I wanted it to match the rest of the space so I added a few coats of the cupboard and trim paint. The board was sitting in the garage for a few weeks until I finally got motivated Friday night and Saturday morning. On Friday night I initially hung the brackets too high, so Saturday morning I started over. A little measuring, leveling, and drilling, and the shelf is up!
Monday, July 28, 2014
This & That: Catching up and Making plans
still getting strawberries! |
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
The Veggie Garden Update & Flower Beds Tour
Nearly two weeks later, and the veggie garden is coming along. Almost everything is starting to come up, although I replanted some cuke seeds, added some pea and bean seeds, and the spinach. The cukes, peas, and beans are new seeds this year whereas the spinach are a few years old. One hill of beans are coming up and about half the peas are, so it's not a big deal if the other respective halves don't make it. I can always find greens at the Farmer's Market, so I'm not so worried about that seed stock, either. The carrot seeds seem to have migrated between the rows, so I might add more of that in the next few days, too. I've added some onions, leeks, a pot of mint (absconded from an out-of-control patch at a gardening job), and as of this weekend, sweet basil and nasturtium. I also put down burlap bags over the garden cloth, they were free, which beats buying wood chips! All-in-all, everything is pretty happy so far!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Fashionably Late to the (Veggie Garden) Party
I've been meaning to get a couple of veggie beds in for a while now. I even staked one of the plots out when I set up my strawberry bed. Now that we're past Memorial Day, when it's generally safe to plant, I have been feeling more motivated. And then I went and bought these the other day, which obviously need a home:
So after several weeks of staring at the front lawn, and twice mowing the area I'd selected, I decided it was time to commit. My neighbor had offered to come over with his tractor and tiller attachment, but we never seemed to have the same 10 minutes available. Another friend offered the use of their small garden tiller, so on Wednesday I finally went to pick it up. On Thursday evening I did a quick go-round to scratch up the grass on the surface (and make sure that I could get the tiller to work).
seeds! |
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Strawberry Bed!
the fruits of the students labor last summer. . . get it. . . fruit. . . |
Everything did surprisingly well, and I couldn't bear to toss anything. The marigolds ended up in some of the barrels around campus, as well as over to my mom, and the strawberries went to a friend and into a few random pots that I had laying around. I didn't have high expectations, although they managed to survive the hot summer, and even bore some fruit after we made the big move to the new house in September!
obligatory artsy fruit-in-the-hand photo (last fall's crop!) |
Another Yard and Garden Update
Spring has finally arrived. We've had some warm days and cool nights and everything had just about exploded. The Mad River Valley is a week or so behind the Champlain Valley, where my mom lives, and every time I was over there over the past month so so, I was jealous of how green and springy it looked. With all the warm weather I've been spending a bunch of time working on the yard - it's hard to stay inside with the sun shining! Of course, I've already had to mow - twice in the back!
Here's a yard and garden tour, starting out back:
Here's a yard and garden tour, starting out back:
start of the new backyard border bed |
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
New Yard Toy!
Vermont has this great web-based community board called Front Porch Forum, organized by town or region (I'm part of the Mad River Valley FPF), based on your street address. It's a pretty sweet free service - a community bulletin board for the digital age. I've scored a few things as well as sent other items to new homes, found a roommate, read about lost-then-found dogs, heard about - then attended - some cool free events, and learned tonight that someone got a kayak stolen from their yard (definitely not cool!). If you're in VT, and not on FPF, you're missing out, and frankly around here, it's more exciting than my facebook feed most days.
Why the excitement? This:
A nearly-new, less than two year old wheelbarrow! For $35! From a really sweet older woman who needed to get a two-wheeled rig. I'm so dang excited. I know, I need a life, but seriously - no more dragging the big blue tarp around, or filling the blue recycling bin. Given how much needs raking from the yard and garden, I'm super excited to have scored this. Now I just need to find the time to get the yard work done. . .
Why the excitement? This:
Sunday, April 20, 2014
House Project #5: The Living Room
It's been a while since the last major house project, in which I painted the kitchen. I didn't do much over the winter aside from assorted curtains and hanging some pictures and paintings. Well, I'm delighted to report that I've finished painting the living room! This is the other third of the main room of the house. One third is the kitchen and the other third is the reading nook. I wanted to get this main space finished since this is where I spend most of my time, be it alone or entertaining.
the "front" half of the living room. great light! terrible carpet & drapes. |
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Early April Updates - Projects Completed & Things in Progress
The snow is finally melting - I have a yard again! Well, almost. The ground is still quite frozen, so my plans to start laying out the gardens are on hold.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Sprucing Up the Walls. . .
not really wall-related, but I did wind the yarn blanks that mom & I dyed in May. future mittens? |
I'm slowly chipping away at little house projects. I've been hanging photos, maps, posters, etc. that have been collecting over the years and have been unearthed in the unpacking process, sewing curtains, agonizing over what color to paint the living room half of the main space (which actually won't happen until April, I'm sure), setting up the guest room (now that the brief foray with a roommate is over), etc. Here's a little update on what's been done the past few months.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Crafted Exchange & Another Crafty Pay-it-forward
I love making/crafting things for other people, and as a crafty gift-giver, I also appreciate receiving crafted things from others. I bet Billy through some friends in town he was visiting earlier this winter and discovered he crochet's. I think we are kindred fiber-crafting spirits. Out at the bar one evening, he decided he really liked my argyle headband, and I decided I liked the bright pom-pomed hats that he's been making like crazy. So we decided on a craft exchange!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Fruity Wall Art
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Knitting at the Olympics!
And why wouldn't you knit whilst waiting for your teammate/athlete to take their run?
Clearly a die-hard knitter who never passes up the opportunity to get one more row in. . .
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TV screen shot courtesy of my friend B |
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Featured Post at New Dress A Day! And, a fun little wall-hanging
Almost famous!
Until this weekend I had pretty much forgotten that I'd submitted my summer sweatshirt re-size to Marisa over at new dress a day.On Saturday I had an epic marathon day of parent conferences (28 in nine hours!), so needless to say I was feeling slightly overwhelmed and a bit beat by the time I got home around 5pm. Imagine my surprise and delight to open an email from Marisa saying that she had selected the sweatshirt re-size I had submitted to her in the summer to be featured on her blog on the 18th!
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there I am! |
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Project Updates: Knit Edition
I've slowly been going through my project bags and baskets and bins in an effort to finish the various knitting projects I've started over the years, or to revise projects that have been finished but sit dormant. A little round up of things I've checked off the finish & fix list over the past few weeks, or that I've been motivated to make some progress on.
Entrelac Infinity Scarf
This was a "regular" scarf that I had knit from two skeins of this colorway, plus a third skein of a close-but-not-close-enough colorway. The other skein had too much bright red and pink to really blend well, and I just wasn't happy with it. I completely ripped out the scarf and reknit it with the two matching skeins. I sewed the two ends together and viola! An infinity scarf - and just the right length (diameter?) for doubling over to create a cozy cowl. The pattern is an entrelac stitch, which creates a bit of a basketweave pattern. I'm digging it right now although it uses a bit more yarn because of how it is constructed. The yarn is variegated, which gives the blocks of different color but the pattern can be done with any number of colors for each square or triangle.
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new cowl! |
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Lightening the Load: A Bit of Housekeeping for the New Year
so much space. and it's all mine. |
But it's also the new year, and I'm feeling a bit like I need to lighten the loads that make up parts my life. That and I like a good method of procrastination from things that should be done, like cleaning, or lesson plans or grading.
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