Monday, July 28, 2014

This & That: Catching up and Making plans

still getting strawberries!
It's been a busy month; I've been working most days, had a friend visit for a weekend mid-month, and just this weekend attended a wedding of a friend/coworker. It's a rain day from work (like a snow day, but for gardener's in the summer), so I'm trying to motivate to get some things done, or at least organized. I haven't been very crafty lately - it's hard with the weather being so nice, and there being plenty to do in the yard (lots of free plants from work!), and the loooong list of house things I should/want to be doing. At the very least, here's a little update of craft & house projects I have been working on (or plan to be!).

I finished this for Gwen (per request after seeing mine!) for her birthday:
go outside & run!
And I'm starting this for R, who made time on her whirlwind east coast driving adventure to visit for a few days:
joint design!
There are a few sewing projects for the niece in progress:
fun fabrics!
more on these later
There is a shelf to go over the dining room table, which I got a couple of coats of paint on this morning.
future home of random-kitcheny-things-that-I-don't-really-need 
The front garden seems to be growing in at least two directions, with lilies and iris' now bordering the narrow ends:
front garden, slowly getting filled in
And a new little iris bed by the driveway, which will soon get a few day lily plants, as well (hopefully this week!):
new iris bed!
day lilies ready to join the iris bed
As much as I love my strawberry barrel, the plants have been SO happy they have just about outgrown it. Later in the fall I plan to make a new bed just next to the barrel and spread the strawberry plants along that. Next year I'll plant herbs in the barrel - parsley, cilantro, etc - that I never got around to next year. And I have a few other plans for next years' garden, too.
there's a barrel in there somewhere. . .
the new strawberry bed will be to the left of the barrel, along the edge of the burlap
The biggest project that I'm excited about, and really want to get motivated to work on soon, is this:
bright red (not so pink, like this shot) outside
I scored this door for free from a renovation down the road. I really, really like it, and it's SO much better than the ugly grayish metal door currently on the house. It has a window! Which means more light can come in, and I can see who's coming in. Not that I can't look out either window that is on each side of the door. But still. It will make the house look so much better.
every 1979 ranch house needs a classy etched-window
on the front door
It will take a little work, though, because it currently opens the "wrong way" for my house. But my gut tells me I can switch things around with minimal trouble. I plan to paint it a creamy white on both sides, in part to better match my living room  as the red "out"side will end up being on the inside. I picked up a new handle and deadbolt this weekend as deadbolt portion had been removed, and the inside handle on the inside is kind of weird to hold. Now I just need to pick the actual paint color . . .

There are other things on the to-do list - BIG things, like getting a wood stove installed (hopefully this fall!), and just-make-the-time things, like finishing my crafty-pay-it-forward plan for this year. I'm definitely behind (got everything sent out by March & April last year!), but I've finished a few things. I'll start getting them sent out and rally to get the others done. I did give myself the calendar year, so I have a few more months to go!

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