Four rooms off the main area (kitchen/living/dining/reading/mud); four ugly brown hollow core doors.
This, times 4 (or 7, if you count the two pantry doors
and the door through to the back mancave). BLECH. |
I'd love to be able to full-on replace these doors, but that's not in the budget. Paint, leftover from other upgrades around the house? Definitely within the budget. I found a few ideas on the interwebs about dressing up flat doors with trim to create faux paneling but went even cheaper and painted "trim" to give the impression of paneled doors.
Step one, prime the heck out of them. Even that was loads better looking!
For the doors themselves, I stuck with the same paint color I'd used on the trim of the room, Woodland Snow, which is a creamy white. SO much better!
Guest croffice |
Gwenny's room |
The detail paint is a free sampler, Spa, which actually pretty closely matches two of the living room walls. Painting the detail was a little bit of a pain, measuring and lining the painters tape just so. But, I'm happy with the outcome, and have a couple more doors to go. I even managed to make most of the tape last through two doors, eliminating some of the waste that came from such a tiny job!
Five "panels" on the bathroom door |
Oh, the detail of taping. . . They're all mostly straight and mostly close in size. |
Two "panels" on my bedroom door |
The final reveal: just enough detail to dress up the door.
Bathroom |
My room |
The inside of the doors (i.e., facing into the side rooms) to the bedrooms/office will also be painted the Woodland Snow, the bathroom is getting the same color treatment as the soon-to-be trim in there. I also have a couple of inexpensive door knobs to install, though will need to find a few more to complete all four doors.
Phase 2 of the doors? Replacing the doors in the laundry room, both for the pantry and into the mancave. I currently have said replacements, but need to do some work to retrofit them, and need to give them a few coats of paint before anything is ready to install.
Also still to come, painting the bathroom. Paint has been chosen & acquired, just need to make it happen.
Looks great, Meg! Makes a huge difference, and fabulous faux panel details. Merry Christmas!