Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Cards, 2013 edition

The past few years I have been a bit ambitious and made cards with individual designs; last year was the paint-chip theme and quite a few cards were designed with the recipient in mind. The year before was a mixed bag of different designs, both catalog-collage & stamped. Back in 2010 I cut out a crazy amount of paper snowflakes that were the cover of each card (by the way - I found a dozen or so extras when I was gathering supplies for this year!). 

This year I stayed simple with two designs, and minimal prep: just folding the cardstock, punching approximately 90 little snowflakes (give or take the few that may be under the couch or that the cat absconded with) that were affixed with glue tape, and stamping.

white on white
mixing it up with blue cardstock
Thirty lucky friends and relations will be seeing one of the cards sometime in the next week or so. . . Or whenever I get around to signing and sending them!

And apparently Christmas is a mere 11 (gulp) days away. Luckily, we (the immediate family) are doing a low-key no-gifting (or extremely limited!) Christmas this year and focusing on spending time together. I don't usually stress much about the holiday season and finding gifts, etc., but it's amazing how much better it feels knowing that I can worry just about whether or not the roads will be clear enough to get over the mountain to see my parents or my brother, sister-in-law and new niece, or down the highway an exit to see my sister. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy giving gifts, and there are a few people I am planning on finding a treasure or two for, but I can count those people on my two hands. And frankly, I bought a house this fall. So as one can imagine, I'm watching my bank account a bit more closely this year!
there may not be presents under it this year,
but I still had to get a tree!
hopefully it survives the cats. . . 

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