Saturday, December 8, 2012

November Sky Blanket Square

I had to play catch up with the November square; my grad research project wrapped up at the end of November/beginning of December so "free" time was at a premium.  


November includes some CO sky, from the academy's annual pre-season ski camp to Vail (and Copper, and Loveland. . . ). 
busy at work in colorado
My grad research paper was submitted Thursday - yay!  Now it's a waiting game for the next week or so to see how much I'll need to revise by the end of the month.  My fingers are crossed. . . But now that I'm mostly done, I might actually have time to do other things, like read or knit or ski or finish grading.  The possibilities are endless!
now I might actually get to read some books,
write a letter to my friend K,
and finish the crossword
and maybe make it through more than one article
in the growing pile of magazines on my floor.
I'm pretty sure there are some great fall decorating
ideas that I could try this year.
and, there are just a few assignments to grade.
How many more 'til no more?
one week down, three-ish to go

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