Monday, December 21, 2015

House Project #8: Doors! Phase 1

Four rooms off the main area (kitchen/living/dining/reading/mud); four ugly brown hollow core doors.
This, times 4 (or 7, if you count the two pantry doors
and the door through to the back mancave). BLECH.
I'd love to be able to full-on replace these doors, but that's not in the budget. Paint, leftover from other upgrades around the house? Definitely within the budget. I found a few ideas on the interwebs about dressing up flat doors with trim to create faux paneling but went even cheaper and painted "trim" to give the impression of paneled doors.
Step one, prime the heck out of them. Even that was loads better looking!

Christmas Cards, 2015 Edition

Coming soon to a mailbox near you!