Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Two-Button Baby Cardi

I've had two skeins of bamboo sock yarn for ages, one white and one light green, and have gone back and forth about what to make with them. I've started a pair of socks for myself, a scarf, and even thought about a lacy tank, but none of the projects were what the yarn wanted to be (you knitters know what I'm talking about). So when a dear friend from my island days told me she was due this spring, I knew the yarn would finally find a home. My hope is that it will fit the little lady just as fall is setting in and the coastal air is beginning to cool.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June Garden Update

Once spring hits full stride and starts the stretch into summer I find it hard to spend too much time inside. And now that school has ended for the year, I've jumped right in to my summer gardening gig, so of course I end up taking care of mine in the evenings and weekends.

I'll have some crafty updates soon, but for now, another tour of the gardens - it's been a busy month for all of the green things. The nice thing about the gardens is that most of the plants have come to me for free. Even today I was planting more hand-me-down's from Mom and moving around some Narcissus bulbs (SO many!).